My Syrian Family

This week has flown by, but at the same time it seems like I (Abbie) have been at the camp much longer. I know my way around somewhat and am not completely clueless when someone asks for help with something, even if it’s in Arabic or Farsi. The people I’ve worked with have my heart. A refugee camp is such a combination of some place where you never want to call home, but see such love demonstrated everywhere you look. I had to say goodbye to a sweet family I met from Syria, along with so many volunteers, all of whom I will miss. God is working in this camp. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown not just by volunteers, but also refugees living here. I received the sweetest sendoff this morning with a meal and some shaay (tea) from the Syrian family I’ve visited several times this week. Hopefully next year when I return, they will have made it to Athens. Please continue to pray for the volunteers working in the heat this summer and the refugees living in the heat this summer, that Jesus will shine through all of it.


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